Hi All,
Alaska Dept of Environmental Conservation is tasked to draft a permit to approve (and support the Army Corp of Engineer's approved IPOP mining permit in the Bonanza Channel). What AK DEC is also tasked to do; is hear directly from you, if you have any concerns or questions about what this drafted permit entails.
They denied our public hearing request, but they are offering an informational online call to discuss, provide Q&A and additional info on their drafted permit to support IPOP's mining approval.
IPOP is approved to mine for a period of 5 years, 40 employees in a man camp right near Solomon, discharge 4.5 million cubic yards into the Bonanza Channel.
DEC stands for Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. The DEC's mission is to protect, improve, and conserve Alaska's natural resources and environment to improve the health, safety, and economic and social well-being of Alaskans.
Please consider joining the call. This is on Microsoft Teams
This Thursday @ 2 pm-3pm
Meeting ID: 218 745 444 644
Passcode: z7brxV
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Video ID: 113 915 476 3