Forms and Applications

School Reimbursement Form

The Tribal Council authorized the expenditure of up to $100 for school supplies for our children this year. This is by reimbursement only for actual costs not to exceed $100 dollars per child. An application must be filled out and you must attach the following:

1. School supplies list from the school child is attending, and

2. Receipts

DIRECTIONS: After filling out and signing, please return to VOS by fax to (907) 443-5189 or scan and email to or mail to PO Box 2053, Nome, Alaska 99762. No hand deliveries.​

Bed Bug Info Application

Bed bugs are a pain to deal with, plus it gets super expensive to get rid of them. Don't worry Solomon does help cover the cost of an exterminator.  The link below provides more information on resources and facts about bed bugs.  Contact the tribal coordinator at 443-4985 for details on assistance.

​Employment Application​

The Village of Solomon prefers to hire qualified  tribal members when hiring for jobs at VOS. Upcoming jobs available next summer is a carpenter, maintenance and laborer workers to open and close the Solomon Community Center.   During youth camp, two camp coordinators will also be hired.

Contact the VOS office at 443-4985 for more details. 

​Bereavement Assistance Application

​The Village of Solomon Bereavement assistance is a one-time payment of $500 to help offset the cost of funeral expenses for the death of a tribally enrolled member of Village of Solomon.  Checks will be issued directly to the funeral home or directly applied to burial expenses.  Checks will not be issued to individuals.

For our tribal members engaged in any extracurricular activities/programs promoting healthy lifestyle choices, the Council has approved up to $250/VOS enrolled member in qualified program/activity to be applied on behalf of the enrolled to the appropriate fundraising.

Ex: Tristan is on a travel basketball team; the team is raising funds to purchase jersey’s, VOS can approve $250 on behalf of Tristan to the team.

To request a Donation on behalf of the member, please fill out this form and provide all additional information.

Tribal Wellness Support

VOS Will provide you with an email per your limit this year, if it is close to being exceeded or you have reached your limit, you will be notified.

Our max for each tribal citizen is $1000.

The Village of Solomon strongly promotes family preservation and culturally relevant activities for tribally enrolled citizens of the Tribe.​

Mailing Address Update​

If you recently changed your address please let us know!

 Hunter/Subsistence Agreement


Mileage Log/Reimbursement- VOS SPONSORED TRAVEL​- vos employees/council

CACHE for College and Higher Education Available

The Bering Straits Foundation, Sitnasuak Foundation, Kawerak, Inc., Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation and Norton Sound Health Corporation have partnered to ease the process of applying for scholarships for the people of our region. The application is called "CACHE” which stands for "Combined Application for College and Higher Education." This application is for individuals going into accredited college or vocational education programs, who meet the eligibility requirements of the organizations they apply to.

For more information, visit the Bering Straits Foundation website 

Bering Straits Website Link OR Kawerak Website Link