Environmental Program
our work…
VOS has a current partnership with Michigan State University who is a grantee of National Science Foundation. With this agreement, MSU’s team and VOS will be conducting home energy assessments for all of our tribal households (incl. all of our tribal friends) in Nome. Contact Deilah if you’d like a home energy assessment, complete with a blower door test, gift cards and mold testing!
VOS has partnered with King Island, Nome Eskimo and Native Village of Council on conducting a greenhouse gas emissions inventory to develop a priority climate action plan - mitigating greenhouse gases! This planning document will be from each tribal rep to serve their respective communities in decreasing pollution.
VOS has a new assistant to our Environmental Dept. who is going to help relaunch the Ban the Bag campaign in Nome. We’ll be hiring two paid interns (highschool aged) for public campaigns and hoping to get the City of Nome to approve a city ordinance in banning single use plastic bags.
The Village of Solomon Environmental Department has been funded by the Environmental Protection Agency under an Indian General Assistance Grant (EPA IGAP) since 2013. Each year the Village of Solomon must reapply for a new fiscal year of funding accompanied by a justified work plan of activities.
The Environmental Department follows a Tribal Environmental Plan which serves as a living document. The Environmental Plan is an all encompassing, detailed long term list of goals for the Community.
Nome Based Tribal Partnerships have developed their first PCAP, funded under the Climate Pollution Reduction Program planning grant.
VOS will need new trained employees for water sampling in the Solomon Watershed. The goal is to collect as much data as possible to prevent and mitigate interference within our watershed to maintain the health of our waterways.
Renewable Energy Plan
The IGAP program developed a Renewable Energy Plan and partnered with outside entities and are currently in the implementation stages of the Renewable Energy Plan. Some accomplishments thus far are custom weatherization kits funded by a grant award from Honor The Earth as distribution for each tribal member household, have an Energy Audit performed at the Community Center and the tribal office, install a meteorological tower on a potential solar site to collect data over the time frame of 2 years as a feasibility study and is currently working on providing education and outreach to the community. Providing alternative and renewable energy in Solomon has been a longtime village priority listed on the Local Economic Development Plan, with that, the tribe was also able to purchase a renewable energy bike! While you pedal, you see how many watts you are creating and storing into the small battery bank – from there, you can charge a laptop, phones, and a light.
VOS Environmental Dept. had partnered up with Kawerak’s Energy Specialist to host a Regional Energy Planning workshop for two days in Solomon and in Nome’s Kawerak building, facilitated by the Environmental Coordinator. Deilah was also nominated to sit on the newly formed Regional Energy Leadership Committee which she has also been asked to attend the National Tribal Energy Summit in Washington D.C., September 2019.
The VOS was awarded a Tribal Solar Accelerator Fund Grant to install a 7kW solar array rooftop system at the Solomon Community Center! VOS hired contractor, GRID Alternatives Tribal Dept. to travel to Solomon for two weeks in July 2021 to conduct training on a solar install for interested Bering Strait Regional registrants and to perform the full install. Completion install date; July 30.
VOS Tribal Member/Install Media Asst. Brewster Bohn capturing footage during 2 week install
In the renewable energy efforts in the Environmental Dept, the Environmental Coordinator applied for ARENA. “The Arctic Remote Energy Networks Academy (ARENA) was approved for a second cohort by the Sustainable Development Working Group in September 2019. The project is co-led by Gwich’in Council International, Canada, The United States and Iceland, and aims to bring participants from the circumpolar Arctic together for learning, knowledge sharing, mentorship and community site visits to build energy projects in their own communities and regions.” Deilah was selected to participate but due to COVID19, some of the on-site visits have been postponed. Regardless, ARENA does plan to ensure all activities, curriculum, mentorship and learning will take place with an extended timeframe.
The implementation phase of the renewable energy plan consists of many grant applications in order to accomplish such an incredible mission, to become a live city again for the community.
This department is always open to hearing suggestions or ideas that have any regard to the environment and moving forward in serving our community in full capacity.
Stay Connected!
Guess what we’re launching!!??? A new program for you to learn how to locate the heat loss and inefficiencies in your own home! Whether, that’s your house rental, apartment, relative’s house, your own home - where ever you live, you’ll learn how to find those leaking areas. Contact your Environmental Coordinator to inquire, fill out the form and watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqyVML72TQg