Where to apply? What resources are available to me? How do I find a place to live? How can I come up with my deposit, first and last month’s rent? How do I apply for a home mortgage? Where do I start?!
Navigating how to acquire a new residence can be overwhelming. We understand, we want to see you succeed and have adequate and appropriate housing. Please review all of our researched resources. After reading, please reach out to VOS staff for assistance. The Village of Solomon will do all that we can to assist you in this process, however, the VOS Emergency Assistance Application is not a program to acquire new housing. The Emergency Assistance program is specific to unanticipated emergencies to promote health, safety, well being and prevent homelessness in crisis situations.
DEILAH@VILLAGEOFSOLOMON.ORG - Development Coordinator Deilah Johnson
TC.SOL@KAWERAK.ORG - Tribal Coordinator Sherri Lewis
Rural cap
RurAL CAP's Affordable Housing program supplies accessible rental housing to those who face challenges finding safe and affordable housing in Anchorage.
We offer low barrier housing and minimal prerequisites for tenancy, additionally we accept many voucher types from varying sources. In order to help individuals maintain housing, we also provide on-site tenancy support to residents living at Davis Street, Peterkin Street, and North Lane.
Homeless Outreach
RurAL CAP provides Homeless Outreach, operating on the belief that engagement is an essential part of connecting Alaskans experiencing chronic homelessness with housing and services. We function as a bridge between providers (other local homeless service providers, healthcare providers, mental health providers, and housing providers) and individuals living on the streets of Anchorage.
We conduct street outreach and coordinate with the Municipality of Anchorage Mobile Intervention Team (MIT) weekly to get referrals and identify persons who use emergency services. We also plan, implement, and participate in community collaborations such as the Mayor’s Homeless Task Force and Project Homeless Connect.
For More Information
Central Leasing Office
161 Klevin Street, Suite 206A
Anchorage, AK 99508
Supportive Housing
RurAL CAP provides transitional and permanent housing opportunities with access to behavioral health and supportive services in order to aide those experiencing homelessness in Anchorage.
We offer two kinds of supporting housing: transitional and permanent. Our transitional housing facility, Safe Harbor Muldoon, serves families with children, helping them gain stability in preparation for a permanent residence. Permanent housing provides long-term housing support, helping individuals move toward economic independence.
As an accredited behavioral health provider, tenants of our Supportive Housing facilities have access to on-site case management and psychotherapy services. This includes daily living skills training, benefit acquisition assistance, tenancy support, assistance with access to appointments, and providing referrals.
In order to provide these resources to Anchorage residents, we build strong partnerships with other community service providers. We are a part of the Anchorage Regional Behavioral Health Coalition (an agreement between more than 20 substance abuse, mental health, and integrated service providers) and a member of the Municipality of Anchorage Mobile Intervention Team (MIT).
The Rural CAp Application is the same application Rural Cap requires for this program, please contact the Central Leasing Office for more information.
Find Public Housing
Alaska Housing Finance Corporation provides safe, quality and affordable rental units for low-income Alaskans. Housing is available in 13 communities across Alaska, typically with on-site management and maintenance staff. Additional on-site supportive services and skills training programs may also be available.
Families whose income is at or below 80 percent of the area median income are encouraged to apply. Families may apply at any Alaska Housing voucher program location with an open waiting list.
Subject to meeting program and income requirements, families who apply are placed on an Alaska Housing waiting list. As units become available, families are invited to an appointment, provided detailed information about the program and offered an available unit.
Alaska Housing currently owns and operates more than 1,600 housing units statewide in a variety of bedroom sizes and types. Families pay a portion of their monthly income in rent and HUD subsidizes the balance.
Alaska Housing offers an in-house management and maintenance team that is responsive to the resident needs.
Families who require units with accessible features should contact their local Alaska Housing office for availability and assistance with their application.
Applications may be accepted in different communities for public housing throughout the year. Before completing an application, see what’s available by checking these open waiting lists. An application must be submitted for each community and may be hand-delivered or mailed to the program location.
Please visit this webpage for application links/packages for the various housing opportunities through AHFC throughout the State of Alaska
Alaskans Eligible for Community Based Long Term Assistance
The Moving Home program (MHP) is a referral-based, rental assistance program designed to help individuals or families transition into housing from homelessness or institutional settings. The program is restricted to those individuals or families who are eligible for community-based, long-term services as provided through Medicaid waivers, Medicaid state plan options or state-funded services and meet either the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Developments definition of a disabled family or are an Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority beneficiary. This program is available in every Alaska Housing community that administers the Housing Choice Voucher program.
Family income must be at or below 50 percent of the area median income. Income limits are set by HUD and are based on family size and the community where the family resides.
MHP recipients must be referred to Alaska Housing by the State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS). DHSS ensures the appropriate supportive services are provided to the family. For more information on the eligibility process, see the DHSS web page.
While participating in MHP, families may still submit an application for any Alaska Housing program with an open waiting list.
As vouchers become available, families are invited to a briefing session, provided detailed information about the program and issued a voucher.
To receive voucher subsidy, the rental amount for the unit must be reasonable. The unit must also pass a federal housing quality standards inspection. Landlords may use their own lease, but Alaska Housing requires an initial lease term of one year.
Once a family finds and leases an Alaska Housing-approved rental unit, Alaska Housing breaks the rent into a family portion and a subsidy portion. Families are responsible for paying their portion of the rent directly to their landlord, while Alaska Housing pays the subsidy portion directly to the landlord.
MHP is a unique rental assistance program made possible through a Memorandum of Understanding between Alaska Housing and the State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. Interested individuals can read the MHP Memorandum of Understanding.
Families must be referred to Alaska Housing by DHSS. Questions can be directed to DHSS at 907-269-3600 or toll-free at 800-770-3930. Our application packages are available on our Applications page.
Privately-Owned Rentals
Housing Choice Vouchers
Housing Choice Vouchers help eligible low-income Alaskans lease rentals in the private rental market. AHFC administers this program in 12 communities throughout Alaska through a waiting list process. Learn more about your eligibility, the application, and how the voucher works below.
Who Is Eligible
Eligibility to receive a Housing Choice Voucher is based on income. Families whose income is at or below 50 percent of the area median income are encouraged to apply. The maximum income level varies depending on your location and the size of your household. There is no minimum income requirement.
Families may apply for a Housing Choice Voucher in any location with an open waiting list. For a list of communities that accept vouchers and to see if the waiting list is currently open, click here.
Families that are not currently living in one of the 12 voucher communities but plan to move into the area may also be eligible to apply through the Portability Process.
How To Apply
Applications may be accepted in different communities for Housing Choice Vouchers throughout the year.
Check to see which communities have open waiting lists. If a waiting list is open, you'll see a linked application available for download. Click here for available application packets and to see waiting list status.
Your application must be submitted for each community and may be hand-delivered or mailed to the program location.
NeighborWorks Alaska Supportive Housing provides safe and stable housing opportunities to chronic and literally homeless individuals and families with disabilities through Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and State-funded rental assistance grants. We provide both Conventional and Intensive Housing Support (case management) to clients on the Resources and Initiatives to Support and Empower (RISE), Sponsor-based Rental Assistance (SRA), CV-Transitions, and Forest Park Optional Relocation Program. Tenant-Based Rental Assistance refers clients to community providers for case management services.
NeighborWorks Alaska offers three subsidized Permanent Supportive Housing programs:
NeighborWorks Alaska participates in the Alaska Homeless Management Information System:
For more information on these Permanent Supportive Housing programs, please contact:
Laura Cox-Wilson
(907) 677-8472
Current Status
Accepting referrals from Coordinated Entry
Program Description
Provides Permanent Supportive Housing for chronically homeless individuals/families identified through the coordinated entry process. Individuals/families must have a documented disability, primarily those with serious mental illness, developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, chronic problems with alcohol and/or drugs, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), or related diseases.
Applicant Eligibility
To be considered for NeighborWorks Alaska’s Permanent Supportive Housing Programs a household must:
Living in a place not meant for human habitation or residing in a homeless shelter
Complete a Coordinated Entry Assessment and be placed on the Coordinated Entry List
Locations for individuals/families conducting Coordinated Entry assessments can be found here.
HUD’s Definition of Chronic Homelessness
How it Works
Community agencies meet once a week to review a coordinated entry list based on the completed assessments. Any open vouchers will be filled through this list. NeighborWorks Alaska will provide a voucher to choose where you want to live in the community and lease from a private landlord that will accept the voucher. The program then pays an ongoing monthly subsidy to help you with your rent and utilities. Recipients with income will pay no more than 30% of their adjusted gross income toward the housing costs. This program is open toindividuals/familieswith zero income, provided the other eligibility requirements are met.
cook inlet housing
Gain Independence Through Housing
That staff at CIHA want to help you find your next home-- no matter your income level. We offer a wide selection of rental homes for people of all income levels.
Apply for Rental Housing
Downloadable Rental Application
To submit your application, please call our Customer Care Team at 1.907.793.3020 extension #3 Monday-Friday 7:30am – 5:30pm.
The following items are required for ALL applications once you are selected for a rental unit:
Copies of government issued photo ID and proof of enrollment status if applicable
Verification of Social Security Number, date of birth, and birth certificates, or guardianship papers, for all minor children on application
Verification of Social Security Number for all adults (IRS, Social Security benefit verification, or Social Security Card)
Previous year’s Tax Return
Copy of voucher for Rental Assistance (if applicable)
Application fee of $20 for each applicant 18+
Homeless verification (if applicable), go to the FAQ page for further detail
Subsidized Apartments - HUD helps apartment owners offer reduced rents to low-income tenants. To apply, contact or visit the management office of each apartment building that interests you.
Search for a HUD subsidized apartment
Search for HUD-assisted rental properties in Alaska
Alaska Housing Choice Voucher Rental Locator
Search for USDA Subsidized Housing
Public Housing and Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8)
To apply for either type of help, visit your local Public Housing Agency (PHA).
PHAs in Alaska
Links to PHA websites
Questions? Email us
or call (800) 955-2232
Some PHAs have long waiting lists, so you may want to apply at more than one PHA. Your PHA can also give you a list of locations at which your voucher can be used.
Need advice?
Contact a housing counseling agency
Welcome to the USDA Multi-Family Housing Rentals search Web site. Select the graphical or textual search methods presented below to find rental opportunities for a particular state and county. Links are provided on the left side of the page for alternative search methods. -
BSRHA, headquartered in Nome, Alaska, is a primary service provider of affordable housing projects including new construction, modernization, rehabilitation of current homes, and the acquisition of homes throughout the Bering Straits Region.
Several agencies in Alaska offer assistance to renters in many different ways. From distribution of the Alaska Landlord Act to help with bad landlords, from security deposits to one-time partial rent to monthly rental assistance, these agencies are here for you.
Where Voucher Assistance Is Available
Housing Choice Vouchers are available in 12 communities throughout Alaska and applications are accepted in different communities throughout the year. Find out if the Housing Choice Voucher program is available in your community.
How Vouchers Help Alaska Renters
For some, it's a challenge to find housing at an affordable price. By accepting vouchers, participating landlords are providing safe, quality, affordable housing for specific populations. These include:
Housing Choice Vouchers are available in 12 Alaska communities and guarantee on-time rental payments to landlords while helping eligible Alaskans lease rentals in the private rental market. Here are the basics:
Alaska Housing maintains a housing assistance waitlist for qualified applicants. Before receiving a voucher, applicants are screened by Alaska Housing for program and income eligibility.
Tenants who are approved for voucher assistance search for housing in the private rental market and go through the landlord's standard application, screening and approval process, just like any other renter.
AHFC, the renter, and the landlord enter into a contractual relationship that is covered under Alaska’s Landlord Tenant Act.
Tenants are initially responsible for paying approximately 30% of their adjusted gross income to the landlord for rent.
The remaining balance of rent is paid by AHFC directly to the landlord or property management firm.
Participating landlords receive reliable, on-time rent payments for the duration of the rental agreement.
A diversity of individuals and families that otherwise could not afford a private rental.
Seniors who wish to live independently for a longer period of time.
Individuals with a disability who prefer to live alone, and with proper accommodation.
Read Housing Choice Voucher information for tenants, including their obligations while enrolled, the support structures available to them, and how participation helps renters increase their employment opportunities and income, while decreasing their need for assistance.
Who Qualifies for Section 8 Alaska?
The Section 8 Housing program in Alaska is open to eligible low-income families, seniors, and individuals with disabilities. To apply for assistance, individuals must meet the eligibility criteria outlined in Section II.
When there are more applicants than available vouchers, the program uses a prioritization system to determine who receives assistance first. Priority is typically given to families with children, seniors, and individuals with disabilities. In some cases, the program may also prioritize those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
The program determines eligibility based on income, family size, citizenship status, and other factors. Applicants must provide documentation to verify their income, including pay stubs, tax returns, and other financial statements. The program also considers factors such as family size, medical expenses, and childcare expenses when determining eligibility.
It is important to note that meeting the eligibility criteria does not guarantee acceptance into the program. Due to limited funding and high demand, there may be a waiting list for assistance. Applicants can check their status on the waiting list and update their information as needed.
The Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs) listed below offer home purchasing opportunities. Most of the programs the CHDOs offer are for low- to moderate-income families. Please contact the individual CHDOs for more information on what they have to offer.
Municpality of Anchorage CHDOs
NeighborWorks - Anchorage
3700 Woodland Drive, Suite 500 Anchorage, AK 99517 (907) 243-1558
Anchorage Housing Initiatives Post Office Box 202222 Anchorage, AK 99520-2222 (907) 277-8226
State of Alaska CHDOs
Alaska Housing Development Corporation 1800 Northwood Drive Juneau, AK 99801 (907) 780-6666
Housing First 1801 Douglas Highway Juneau, AK 99824 (907) 364-3573
Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority Post Office 32237 Juneau, AK 99803 (907) 780-6868
NeighborWorks - Fairbanks Post Office 71168 Fairbanks, AK 99707