Bering Straits Regional Housing Authority
The Bering Straits Regional Housing Authority (BSRHA), headquartered in Nome, Alaska, is a primary service provider of affordable housing projects including new construction, modernization, rehabilitation and weatherization of current homes, and the acquisition of homes throughout the Bering Straits Region.
With a current inventory of over 400 units in 17 villages, BSRHA is continuing to work to provide housing opportunities, as well as employment, training and educational opportunities. With an approach to providing services, our goal is to build and provide homes for residents of our region to thrive in.
The Bering Straits Regional Housing Authority provides affordable, decent, sanitary and safe housing opportunities to low-income families in the villages throughout the Bering Straits Region.
They serve the communities of: Brevig Mission, Council, Little Diomede, Elim, Gambell, Golovin, King Island, Koyuk, Mary's Igloo, Savoonga, Shaktoolik, Shishmaref, Solomon, Stebbins, St. Michael, Teller, Unalakleet, Wales and White Mountain.
Visit www.bsrha.org or contact us for the further information, eligibility, applications and policy and procedures involved in our programs.
Overview of Programs
Home Loan Assistance
BSRHA's Home Loan Assistance Programs offers up to $10,000 to cover the down payment costs for home buyers that are looking to purchase a home, but lack the up-front capitol required to finance the down payment/closing costs.
Emergency Utility Assistance
The Emergency Utility Assistance program is designed to assist community members who are experiencing temporary hardship, struggling with past due payments, and are at risk of having vital utility services disconnected.
This policy has recently been revised to include all utilities (i.e. Electricity, Water & Sewer Service, Fuel), not just electricity.
BSRHA offers this assistance on a first come, first serve basis. Assistance can be provided in the amount of up to $1,000 per household. Up to ten households in each of our 17 communities can be served.
Housing Preservation
This grant is a forgivable loan for up to $30,000 to allow low-income, Alaskan Native home owners the opportunity to perform repairs to their primary residence.
Basic Eligibility Guidelines:
Proof that the applicant is American Indian or Alaskan Native
Low Income (80% of Median income for Nome Census Area)
Proof of home ownership (title/quit claim deed)
Proof that the home is our Primary Residence
Additional Required information:
Written detailed description of improvements you would like
Drawing or sketch of proposed improvements
An estimate of project costs (i.e. materials, labor and freight)
A list of other funding sources that will be used for the project