Services Available to Residents of the Bering Strait region
Kawerak contracts with the state and federal government to provide services to residents of the Bering Strait Region. Kawerak's organizational goal is to assist Alaska Native people and their governing bodies to take control of their future. With programs ranging from education to housing, and natural resource management to economic development, Kawerak seeks to improve the Region's social, economic, educational, cultural and political conditions. Kawerak is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of the president (or designee) of the IRA or traditional Councils, two elder representatives and a representative from the regional health care provider. Kawerak reorganized in 2006 and we now have four divisions:
Children and Family Services
The Children and Family Services Division provides services to address the needs of the children and families throughout the Bering Strait region.
Programs within CFS include:
Children & Family Services Program
Child Advocacy Center
Head State
Jacob's House
Community Services Division
The Community Service Division assists member villages in becoming self-governing and self-sufficient and provides economic development opportunities for all residents in our region. Programs within CSD include:
Tribal Affairs
Village Public Safety Officer Program
Education, Employment & Training Division
The Education Employment and Training division is designed to provide support and assistance to tribal members who are looking for job training or need childcare assistance while they are continuing their education. Programs within EET include:
Child Care Services
Community Education
Direct Employment Assistance
General Assistance
Higher Education Scholarships
Kawerak Employment Enhancement Program
Supportive Services
Village Based Training
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Training Grants
Natural Resources Division
The Natural Resources division conducts research projects and advocates for natural resources in-cluding land, fish animal, and birds in the Bering Strait region. Through knowledge and education, they strive to protect tribal member access to these resources, and assures that future harvests is sustained and promoted. Programs within NRD include:
Eskimo Walrus Commission
Fisheries Department
Land Management Services
Reindeer Herders Association
Subsistence Resources
Note: Services are provided only to those tribally enrolled in one of the 20 federally recognized tribes of the Bering Straits region. Tribal members enrolled with the Village of Solomon are eligible for many of the services listed with priority given to those that live in Nome and the Bering Strait region. For more information, visit Kawerak's Website