PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the general elections for seat “C” on the Council will take place on Friday, November 13th. There will not be in person voting this year, but, will be by absentee ballot only. It is extremely important to mail in your absentee ballot this year. Absentee ballots not only elects our Tribal Council, it also establishes a quorum for the Annual meeting. Quorum must be met in order to conduct a valid Annual Meeting. If too few tribal members vote and quorum is not reached, the Annual Meeting must be rescheduled. IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE AN ABSENTEE BALLOT IN THE MAIL RECENTLY, PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO TO REQUEST AN ABSENTEE BALLOT.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Annual meeting of the Village of Solomon will be held on Saturday, November 14, 2020. The Tribal Council has made the decision to have its Annual Meeting telephonically only in the interest of everyone’s health and safety.
Absentee Ballot Voting: Tribal members eligible to vote must submit an absentee ballot by USPS mail only. Voters may only vote once. Absentee ballots will be accepted until November 13, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
Seat up for Election: Seat “C is up for election this year. Each absentee ballot will contain a list of qualified candidates for voters to choose from. Voters will choose one (1) name from the list of candidates. Voters will also be able to write in one candidate as an alternative to candidates on the absentee ballot. The candidate receiving the most votes for the seat they are running for will be elected.
Candidates wishing to run for office:
In order to be considered for council candidacy to the council and your name included on the absentee ballot, you must submit a Letter of Intent and disclosure form to the Tribal Coordinator by 4:00 PM by October 9, 2020. All Letters of Intent and disclosure forms submitted by candidates will be included with absentee ballots for tribal membership review.
A Letter of Intent must certify that the candidate is a tribal member eighteen (18) years old or older.
A disclosure form must also be filled out and include any other information the candidate wishes the tribal membership to know. The disclosure form requires that the candidate list prior criminal history and any current pending criminal charges. Candidates may request the disclosure form by sending an email to for the form to either be mailed by USPS mail or by electronic submission.