RSVP for the update of our VOS Local Economic Development Plan. Saturday April 24, 2021 @ 10 am Alaska Time, 11 am PT, 12 MT, 1 pm CT
If you reside in Alaska, email Amy at admin@villageofsolomon.org and if you reside outside of Alaska, RSVP with Deilah @ deilah@villageofsolomon.org
As a thank you for participating at the first virtual LEDP gathering, we will offer you a $50 gift card to order dinner on VOS, of your choice.
We will also be doing door prizes (including; a smartTv, a mini freezer, an ipad, a grill, oakley’s, etc. ) It is so integral to hear our tribal community members as we develop the next 5 years of our tribal priorities, as a united community.