Of 36 VOS members, here are the results. Meeting quorum requirements based on enrollment - our results of prioritized LEDP strategic village priorities are as follows;
#1. Establish and maintain affordable housing (including logistics like water, sewer, electricity
#2. Protect and maintain the environment, protecting watershed habitats including protection from mining
#3. Increase connection to tribe (holding youth camp regularly)
#4. Establish and maintain tribal court (childrens cases, civil
diversion agreements and culturally appropriate sentencing)
#5. Teach youth about our gatherings, food, hunting and preserving language
#6. Increased focus on health and well-being of tribal members
Winners (posted in a video on Facebook of random name picker with each participant) are as follows;
1. Rose Totten $400
2. Sherri Lewis $300
3. Deilah Johnson $200
4. Robert Curran Jr. $100
5. Liz Johnson $50