This is going to be a bit lengthy; however - it is necessary. To put on a large public event, takes so many helping hands, donations, volunteers, time and labor. There is no way we could have had a successful event without these people and organizations.

The BIGGEST QUYANAKPAK to our financial donations:

Bering Straits Native Corporation

Kawerak, Inc.

Norton Sound Health Corporation

Alaska Venture Fund

King Island Native Community

To those that volunteered their day off and time, muscles and enthusiasm for this event:

Liza Joseph

Sara Bioff

Vanessa Tahbone and the NYO team during our potluck

Wendy Deering

Anna Ashenfelter

Wilson Vaughan

Daniel Rellal

Benjamin Payenna -(he custom made a backdrop stand for our stage)

Beth Herzner

Rachel Pomeranz

Krystal Hensley & Faye Buffas - who manned our welcome table, managed split the pot, door prizes and potuck donations

Senora Ahmasuk and Kerry Ahmasuk for also manning our welcome table, ban the bag swag, potluck donations

Alice Bioff for her merchandise donations and her time to help out with setup!

Jennifer Dean-Johnson

Emmett Foster

Auk Tozier

Brittney Payenna, Lizzie & Bethy

Tessa, Layna, Masa, Sadie for managing our table of free swag and making sure each person who took a keychain made a donation- these girls were on it!

Cameron Minix

Charlotte Key

Our students who submitted their 'Indigenous' writing samples and the courageous students who were selected to share their stories

SAVOONGA DANCE GROUP!! This was incredible

Joshua White

D'Angelo & Azaleigha

Village of Solomon:

Kirsten Timbers

Sherri Lewis, Wilma Amaktoolik, Roselynn Paniptchuk, Ashley Payenna

Danielle Slingsby for all the planning assistance

Nome Rec Center staff for helping with the venue

Big thanks to Logan Hebel and his IT crew for all of their help! Could not have had a beautiful runway and all the audio/lighting without any of them!

Kirsten Bey for her DONATED red fabric for our runway!

KNOM's Ben Townsend for always offering the helping hand and ensuring we have great media coverage

Tate from KNOM on allowing our band, Pamyua to use some of his personal equipment

Native Movement for bringing awareness around getting the native vote out!

Music Teacher Richard Sargent for allowing our band to use his drum set!

Nome Public Schools for letting us use the stage

D'Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai for being such a beautiful indigenous advocate and his friend Russell to celebrate our day with us

Pamyua!!! Phillip, Zack, Eiden, Jay, Chantil and Ossie

Nick Hanson & Fawn White as our faces for the event, keeping our audience alive and being such a great duo as emcees

Every beautiful brave model that walked that red carpet for our fashion show.

Our interactive table leaders Such a treat

All of our audience members who spent their day with us, our artists who came as our vendors, allllll of our potluck donations, what a feast!

Please email to join our planning committee for next year's event

Names wer3e from our sign in sheet for volunteers - I know there were several that did not sign in - THANK YOU to those that didn't sign in but HELPED US ANYHOW!


updates on affordable housing page!
