The Traditional Council has been meeting in regard to the American Rescue Plan funds available for the tribal community.
With that, the Council has doubled the amount of available funding for the Tribal Wellness Fund and the Hunter Subsistence Support.
Tribal Wellness Objectives: To provide financial assistance in family preservation, cultural activities & recreational activities. i.e. tribally enrolled VOS members can apply for sports registration fees/equipment/supplies, culturally appropriate classes, family oriented classes to encourage family bonding.
Hunter Subsistence Support Objectives: support funds to Solomon’s tribally enrolled citizens to be reimbursed for the purchase gas, oil, or other relevant supplies that support subsistence gathering as needed (excluding ammo).
Both applications are available on our website, under tab, ‘What We Do —>Forms & Applications’
As with any application for assistance, we do require receipts in order to be eligible for financial assistance.
If you have any questions, please contact the Tribal Coordinator at or call the office at 443-4985.