Alaska Department of Natural Resources stands with the Alaska Constitution to uphold the public trust!
‘The public trust doctrine in Alaska is rooted in the states, constitution and common law. It holds that the state as trustee must manage navigable waters, and the lands beneath them for the benefit of all Alaskans the doctrine extends beyond justable waters to include all public waters, which are defined as those reasonably suitable for public use in utility habitat for fishing and wildlife in which there is a public interest or immigration and spawning a fish in which there is a public interest The Alaska Supreme Court has interpreted the public trust in Bradley, recognizing that it encompasses not only traditional uses such as navigation, commerce, and fishing, but also recreational uses an environmental protection….the proposed project would directly jeopardize the states ability to manage state navigable waters and submerged lands as a trustee on behalf of the public….In summary, the proposed projects potential to obstruct navigation combined with the US ACE is findings of more than minimal and temporary detrimental effects on aquatic resources leads the division to conclude that approving the mineral extraction proposal as described would be inconsistent with the state duty under the public trust doctrine’ Pages 8-9 of the Decision document. You can read the full document by clicking the link below.
Notice of Decision for APMA F20242875 IPOP Bonanza Channel Placer/Dredging Project within the Nome Mining District
The Alaska Department of Natural Resources has finalized a decision to deny the Application for Permits to Mine in Alaska (APMA) F20242875 for IPOP's Bonanza Channel Placer/Dredging Project in the Nome Mining District, near the community of Solomon. This denial is associated with the proposed mining plan to operate a cutter head suction dredge on state mining claims in the Bonanza Channel located within Safety Sound near the Village of Solomon.
The Project is located within this legal description:
Within Sections 24, 25, 26 of Township 011 South, Range 030 West; Kateel River Meridian
Within Section 19 of Township 011 South, Range 029 West; Kateel River Meridian
A detailed project description can be found within the Decision Document.
This decision takes effect immediately.
To read the full decision document, click this link